Kontinovi dvori

House Vlatković is an integral part of the autonomous complex Kontinovi dvori. It can be seen under the name House of Vlatkovic on the website www.houseofvlatkovic.net. Kontin's courts include three houses, two of which are renovated residential buildings, a stone court, terraces and several buildings, which bear witness to the passage of time and await the possibility of reconstruction in accordance with the highest standards of protection of cultural monuments. The entire complex rests on the rampart of the old Novigrad fortress (FORTICE) and dates back to the time of the Turkish Empire from the 15th century. The newest house dates from 1813, the others are even older. The complex is architecturally interestingly constructed and extends over a 30-meter height difference. Passages were made through all the houses for the water that was collected in the cistern under the large terrace. The roofs are decorated with extremely rare and grandiose Venetian chimneys that are still in operation today. The entire building is dominated by old and original stone, which takes you back to the past hundreds of years from the first touch. The houses suffered devastation in the 1991-1995 Homeland War. year, after which they were renovated. Part of the inventory was destroyed (a large library, silverware and furniture from the 19th century, and numerous works of art), and part of it was restored by the family in a way to preserve authenticity. All interior and exterior spaces of Kontin's mansions are functionally connected, and at the same time offer the possibility of enjoying personal seclusion or socializing, in any case in complete privacy. Kontin's mansions are part of the heritage of the Oštrić-Zekić family, our ancestors, who, especially in the 19th century, strongly influenced the economic, political, educational and cultural life of the wider region. Respecting the exceptional historical value of Kontin's mansions, we strive to preserve the heritage and improve the tourist offer, and we have been awarded the WELCOME CITY and SUPERHOST awards.




Trg Velika vrata 2


+385 98 33 11 73

